Friday, April 5, 2013

A new book blog!

I love reading a good book....and have loved books and reading since as far back as I can remember really. Some of my earliest memories are of my parents reading to me and my brother - books like Roald Dahl's 'The Twits" and "The Witches", classics like JRR Tolkein's "The Hobbit", RL Stevenson's "Treasure Island", AA Milne's various books about Winnie the Pooh, Eric Linklater's "Pirates in the Deep Green Sea", just to mention a few favourites.
As we grew up on board a yacht sailing around the world for 5 years as kids without a TV, books naturally became a big part of our lives - I read a lot of books, whatever I could get my hands on, ranging from kids books like Enid Blyton adventures up to adult historical fiction, and fantasy. An average night on the boat would see my parents and my brother and I each read out a chapter of a book aloud to each other, on top of whatever books we happened to be reading to ourselves.One night could include an 'episode' of "Duncton Wood" (Mum), "King Solomon's Mines" (Dad) plus whatever my brother or I were reading. Growing up without a TV was certainly not a deprivation in any way.

My love of books continued, until during my mid 20s I embarked on a PhD, and rapidly my spare time vanished, and even when I had spare time I didn't feel like reading, or ridiculously would feel guilty to be reading a novel instead of a scientific paper!

Needless to say this hiatus didn't last too long, and last year in March (2012) I made a resolution to make time to read for pleasure once again. I also decided to keep a log of which books I read, and a few thoughts about them including a score out of 10. I also discovered that while there are a lot of book blogs in cyber-space, many of them are genre-specific, or have different taste in books to me. I thought it might be fun to transfer my reading log into a blog online, in case anyone else out there has a similar (eclectic/random) taste in books and is looking to get ideas or recommendations about what book to read next, or what book might not be worth it.

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